When you realize that God has a plan for you, you are able to rest at ease.  You know you have no control over your life and whatever choices you make, God will make sure his plan for you is carried out.  Looking back to the beginning of this year, I realize that God has taken the reigns.  He has always been there, but I finally let go.  I couldn’t be happier.  I live each day truly feeling uplifted and encouraged.  Just last week, I went to eat with a friend and my joy from volunteering at LSVI was just overflowing from me.  In fact, it caused our waiter to ask questions about it and he is officially going to volunteer tomorrow.  God is on a mission.  It is beautiful.

I went and read on Monday with Kathryn again and the kids were so excited to see us.  It’s neat to think that this has only been going on a little over a week and these kids already think of it as a routine.  They know they get to see us and are looking forward to it.  Amanda, one of the other girls volunteering, text me just last night telling me how her experience this week was.  Her text read, “So much fun! I love going there.  One of the little girls and I read one on one for practice.”  The opportunities God is providing with this program is amazing.

There are still a few empty slots to go and read to the kids.  I have no doubt that these will fill as the semester goes on.  God is at work and open others eyes to this opportunity just as he has in the past week.